First Strawberry ^__^

The garden has been growing CRAZY well the past few weeks. I’ve been pretty diligent about plucking off the flowers on the strawberry plants to encourage the plant growth – but it looks like one snuck by me!! I’m just gonna leave it since it’s getting close to June which is when we theoretically should stop plucking the leaves – and it’s pretty cute:

The first strawberry (still tiny)

And here’s what the whole strawberry bed looks like. Aren’t these gigantic??? Those leaves are overflowing and it’s making me happy.

The strawberry bed

Speaking of overflowing – do you see this lettuce and scallions?? We’ve been harvesting them as we need them for various meals (we had our first salad this week with lettuce from the garden <3) but whoops we clearly planted too much stuff all at once. We’ll want to space out the plants a bit more next year.

This may be a bit hard to see (sorry for the bleh photo) but the Nectarine tree has a _ton_ of fruit growing on it. We are plucking off most of it since the roots haven’t really established themselves yet and we don’t want the tree to like destroy itself – but I think we’ll let a few grow.


The blueberries are mostly doing well. The one in the middle is a bit sad but that’s ok. The other two are pretty happy. Our mulch plan clearly didn’t work as well as I hoped, though – as there are weeds poking through that I’m battling. RAWR. Oh well – eventually may get rid of them and they give me more to do outside.

Look at those pesty weeds!!!

Our lavender is also experiencing a crazy growth spurt and now has stems larger than the pot itself. Maybe a new pot is in order at some point?


Last, but certainly not least, our sunflower is doing pretty well. It got a chunk bitten out of it but it still seems pretty happy and is growing fairly well.

So ya – that’s my update for now. Hope y’all are doing well. I’m looking forward to the strawberries om nom nom.