Hi again! It’s been a few seasons since we updated, but it’s spring again, and it’s time to get everything back in order! :3
Last year’s garden was mostly experimental in a lot of ways. We ended up learning a lot of things. We had a ton of tomatoes in the summer, and the tomato plants ended up taking over the pepper plants and killing them off. XD We also had way too much lettuce and scallions come in at the same.
Here are a few photos from the summer harvests. There was a lot more than this, but we didn’t keep up with the blog, so these are just a few things I found in my phone’s photo log!

Not pictured – tons of lettuce and scallions! It was great to have scallions all summer and not have to buy any at all from the grocery store until the late Fall. 😀
So back to the present, day – this year, we have already started getting the garden ready for spring. Mike built two new raised beds a few weeks ago, and we got those filled with soil. We cleared out all of the grass in between the beds and surrounded them with mulch.

We cleaned up our strawberry bed. Most of the strawberry plants survived over the winter without us having to do anything to them. They naturally got covered with some leaves from the tree in our backyard, and we just let it go to see what would happen over the winter. I can’t find a “before” photo naturally, but it was completely covered with daughter plants and vines and dead leaves. We pulled up all of the plants, added another layer of fresh soil and compost (because the soil level had sunk pretty low), and replanted some of the happiest looking plants, giving them more space this year.

We also added some spinach in the middle. We did two sets of 3 seeds. You can see a few sprouts popping up already. We planted these on March 8th, and this weekend we want to do another two sets so we can work on succession planting this year. So we’ll do some spinach every 3 weeks until we get sick of it or until the first frost in the Fall. XD

We also found a few garlic bulbs in the soil of the other bed that got missed and already started sprouting! So I spaced those out and hope they’ll do something. Last year, the garlic ended up being super tiny. First, I didn’t realize that I needed to remove the “scapes” before they flowered, so the plant ended up putting a lot of energy into flowering. I also didn’t realize that there were two types of garlic – hardneck vs. softneck. AND, on top of that, we found out that we were supposed to plant garlic in October to over-winter, but missed out on that in 2018 and 2019. So later this year, we are going to plant both softneck and hardneck garlic, and we’re going to get that in this weekend to see if we can get it to do anything. If not, we’ll definitely try planting some in October this year to properly overwinter it.

This year we also want to plant some zucchini and cantaloupe, which will go in one of the new beds, and the other new bed will be for peppers and tomatoes. We’re going to try to do peppers again this year! Hopefully we can give them enough space so the tomatoes don’t take all of the sunlight.
We also have two containers that we’ve been planting some scallion seeds in. We have been planting ~7 seeds in each container each week, in hopes that we can see some scallions popping up soon. So far, there’s been no luck with that, but we’ve had some cold weather, so maybe they’ll start germinating soon. We decided to try container planting scallions because after some research, we realized that the variety of scallions we have been planting (Tokyo Long White) are actually perennials and we might be able to have scallions year-round. So we’ll see if we can figure that out this year!

Other than that, we moved the chives to a pot. We haven’t actually cooked with them at all. I mostly wanted them for flowers to attract pollinators, so I’m hoping they’ll be happy in this pot.

The chives are actually in the old lavender pot! We also repotted the lavender into a much bigger container. It was completely root-bound, so we’re thinking that it’s going to be able to take over this larger container over the season. Eventually, we might just stick this in the yard somewhere, but I like the idea of having container lavender, so we’ll see how it does. :3

Finally – we have some updates on our flower situation, too! First off, there’s a daffodil that randomly popped up next to our birch tree, and the grape hyacinths are back again this year, but there are a lot more of them!

There are also some huge leaves that look suspiciously like the tulip from last year, so I’m really hopeful that will bloom out again. I think that one didn’t pop up until April, so we’ll see if it blooms again this year!

We also planted some vinca (or perriwinkle?? not sure if they are the same thing) next to our fence last year, and this year it is really going to town! We need to clear out some of the grass and weeds that have crept in, but it’s really blooming this month, and we were surprised to see how well it’s taken off.

This year, we decided to add two new flower containers in the back yard. One of them is a huge half whiskey barrel that we’re totally in love with. There’s a variety of flowers in here, let’s see if I can remember offhand. The funny looking yellow one on the left is a donkeytail splurge, and then the grassy plant behind it is a carnation. Then there’s a yellow ranunculus next to that in the back (hard to see in the photo). There are poppies in the middle (see the next photo for a better look at those), and then some moss and a perriwinkle, and something that I think might be a corydalis but actually didn’t come with a tag.

The poppies have already started blooming out this past week! They are so pretty. Here’s a close-up.

We also have another container with an English daisy in the middle and two ranunculus varieties on either side. The ranunculus are so pretty! They look like roses. All of these flowers are perennials, except the ranunculus, so we’ll have to replant those again next year if the daisies don’t completely take over. The daisies are really happy though, and I’m not sure if they will spread at all.

Anyways, that was a HUGE update, but we did neglect the blog for the past year. XD Hopefully this year we can keep up with it a bit more. If nothing else, it’s really nice to look back and see what we did last year and see what time things started growing.
Happy Spring!! 😀