Mike posted a few photos of the garden in his nectarine post, but I want to give you a flower-specific update. The marigolds in the strawberry bed seem really happy there! They are blooming out quite nicely.
There are also some little scallions sprouting next to the strawberries as well. (The drier-looking photos were taken a few days ago, before it started raining, btw. Everything has gotten plenty of water since then.)
The lavender looks about the same? I don’t know what to expect with this one. We saw some lavender that was already blooming at a different nursery, but I haven’t done much research to see when this one will ever get flowers.
And here’s a long-awaited photo of the Corsican Sandwort that I planted next to the shed. (It’s a bit dry in this photo but has gotten plenty of water since then.) I need to pull the grass out that’s growing in between in, but it seems to be doing okay here. Apparently there should be little white flowers sometime in May, so we’ll see if those appear!
The Battle of the Sunflowers
In the first Notes from the Garden post, I mentioned that I also planted a few sunflower seeds. The seedlings finally sprouted last weekend, but there has been a great tragedy since then…
A day or so after they sprouted, I noticed the leaves looked like something had taken a bite out of them. (The soil is dry in this photo but it rained the next few days afterwards.)
Today, the situation is even worse. There is only 1.5 sunflower seedlings left. ;____;
Here’s the last little hold-out… Not much hope for it’s survival. 🙁
While we were at the nursery getting the nectarine tree today, we also bought a planter, so I think I’ll try putting some sunflowers in there. It started raining after we planted the nectarine tree, so we’ll probably work on that project next weekend.
New Flowers!
We also bought some new flowers while we were at the nursery. An azalea and some corydalis.
We already planted the azalea in the previously-dug hole from the blueberry adventures before we realized that azaleas are highly toxic. Since we have a small, fluffy dog who likes to run around the back yard, we are going to move this one to the front yard.
Since we have to move the azalea to the front yard, we are going to plant the corydalis there as well. All three of them are pretty shade-tolerant, and our front yard is very shady, so they should all be happy there. Here the corydalis are still in their little pots.
Mike also posted some photos of his clover patch, so I wanted to give an update with photos that show a size comparison.
These clovers are huge! Here’s what they look like compared to my hand.
Fairy Tree
That’s the end of our garden updates, but I wanted to leave you with one last thing. While we were taking a walk in a park nearby, we found a tree full of roses.
No clue what this is, but I want one! Here is a close-up of the roses.
Anyways, that’s all for our garden adventures this week. 😀 Hopefully we can get the azalea bush transplanted to the front yard next weekend, and then we’ll also still need to find something to put in the hole in the backyard. Hopefully, something less toxic… ^^;; Thanks for reading!
Love all of this!!
I’d put a dollar on snails being the sunflower antagonists.