Bonsai Tree + Status Update

Heyo all! Hope y’all have been having a good week ^.^ The plant stuff here has been going pretty well – although I haven’t actually done any physical work this weekend in relation to plants (woo!)

To start, Kelsy bought me a Rock Juniper Bonsai tree for my birthday that’s coming up soon and it’s adorable. It’s quite tiny right now which is fun. I imagine if we re-potted it in the future, it could get larger.

A close up of the bonsai tree
Here’s where I placed it – maybe need something else up there, too – but it’s a nice addition ^_^

While we’re taking a look inside, we also have two majesty palm’s that I very much enjoy. We got them right when we moved in and they’re still doing really well! The one closest to my work desk seems to be doing better than the other one but it’s hard to tell why. Maybe more sun?

The tinier of the palms in the corner
The happier palm next to my desk. It’s taking over!!

Outside of the house, the plants are coming along nicely. I may have planted far too much lettuce in a short area <__<;; Let’s just call it a learning experiment and see what happens.

A close up of the far too much lettuce. This is the 2nd row – there’s a row to the left of it that’s slowly coming up. I planted less seeds in that row (and of a different breed)

In other exciting news, the onion started we’ve planted are starting to really pop up! I’m looking forward to seeing how they progress 😀

The onions slowly working their way up!
Here’s a high level overview of this raised bed – we still have some room in the middle for future plants as it gets warmer

In the Strawberry bed, our flowers that we planted are starting to really bloom and they look so pretty. The Strawberry plants themselves also look fairly happy so yay!

The strawberry and flower bed

The blueberry bushes are still looking good and appear to have not died since we put them in the ground which is always a positive thing.

A blueberry bush with some friendly clover neighbours

Last update is my clovers that I planted last year are doing super well. They’re so pretty and are also gargantuan. It’s hard to get a sense of scale but here’s a photo I like of them. You can see the smaller clovers towards the bottom and the larger ones in the middle.

My native clovers

Well that’s everything for this week. Coming up in future weeks – we want to figure out more trees to add the backyard and perhaps more flowers? We’ll see how it all goes ^__^

2 thoughts on “Bonsai Tree + Status Update”

  1. If you thin the lettuce by snipping the stems off with a sissors you have “microgreens” 😁

    1. Interesting thought! How are those typically used? Is there a benefit to that vs. just like removing seeds altogether (or transplanting them)?

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