Garden update + new plants

It’s been quite some time since I’ve made a post about the garden – sorry about that! We haven’t been doing a whole lot with the garden other than just letting things progress and watering occasionally – but this weekend was a big weekend for outdoor work!

I finally bought a weed whacker and spent a long time this morning mowing + assaulting the weeds and the backyard really cleaned up nicely. Sadly I didn’t really think about taking photos to show the progression but the yard is looking much better. One of the big things with the weeds / just general lawn stuff is that they were definitely encroaching on some things like our blueberry bushes. You may have noticed this in previous photos – but today we decided to attempt to fix this!

We went to our garden store and bought some mulch along with some other things I’ll go into below. Kelsy helped trim around the blueberry bushes and then I layered on the mulch to try and make it so it’s both easier to mow around them and less things encroach on their space. I also just really like the look of mulch around the plants so woo.

Our row of blueberry bushes – now with bigger mulch rings!
A close up of one of the happiest of our blueberry bushes with more mulch

Before I get into the new plants, I also wanted to share a status update of some of our old ones. Our nectarine tree appears to be doing quite well and also appears to maybe have fruit forming on it? I’m a bit confused as it wasn’t supposed to produce fruit for 3 years. I’m unsure if this is like strawberries / blueberries where we should pull off the fruit to encourage plant growth or if we should just let it do its thing. More research will need to be done.

Kels with our nectarine tree <3

Surprisingly, to me, the strawberries that we planted just in the ground near the old tree stump appear to be quite happy as well. We hardly have done anything with these but I guess whatever is happening in the environment is pleasing to these plants so yay.

The random strawberries in the ground

Our actual strawberry bed is also doing pretty well. While most of the marigolds are really struggling, the strawberries themselves appear to be really happy and there’s a never ending battle of me vs the flowers as I continue to rip them off.

Strawberry + Marigold bed

The lavender is growing quite large now but still not much in the way of flowering. I wonder if we needed an even larger pot o_O

Last, but certainly not least, we added four new plants to our garden today!! We have 2 types of tomatoes, a bell pepper plant, and a Habanero plant. It’s been super hot so I think that these plants should be happy. I’ll let Kels fill you in more about these in her post. We also bought some cute supported for the plants to help as they grow.

Aside from those new plants in the middle – do you see the size of our onions and lettuce??? They’re getting crazy big. I’m glad we trimmed up some of the lettuce before cause wow.


Anywho that’s all for me today. Hope y’all have been well 🙂