Lettuce Cleanup!

I’m going to do two posts today. I’ve been meaning to do a post on my lettuce cleanup, which Mike hinted at in his post this weekend. So this first post will talk about the lettuce cleanup process, and then I’ll do a post dedicated to my groundcover planting adventures this weekend. :3

On April 16, I decided it was finally time to clean up our lettuce seedlings. A sad day, in some regards, but we’ve learned for next time that we need to spread them out a bit more. XD

Lettuce seedlings on April 16, before the massacre

The suggested space between the seedlings sounds to be about 4 inches, but I decided to keep a few extra to see if some would do better than others. And then we can thin out a bit more once they grow bigger.

Remaining lettuce seedlings on April 16

On the 19th, I noticed a squirrel investigating the garden. I went outside to find that he had been digging in our lettuce!

Squirrel evidence #1
Squirrel evidence #2

I guess he didn’t find anything good in there, because the lettuce seedlings seemed intact, and it doesn’t seem like he’s been back since. (Although I’ve seen squirrels foraging in the yard on other days since then.)

Today, the lettuce seedlings are looking quite happy. They’ve grown a lot since I thinned them out on the 16th! I think they are about ready to be thinned out again.

Lettuce today – it’s starting to get bigger!

I’ll probably thin them out one more time to make sure they have the recommended 4 in. spacing now that some of them seem to be growing bigger. 🙂 More lettuce updates to come next week!