Nectarine Tree!!

So I’ve been searching around for a nectarine tree for the past few weeks and haven’t been having much luck despite the fact that numerous articles online mention how well nectarines grow here. One of my best friends (Winx) was at a garden center near where she lives in Portland and texted me that they had a couple of nectarine trees! Since Kels and I were off today, we decided to drive on down and see about getting one ^_^

We found one there and it was even a fairly decent breed. While Fantasia Nectarines can be affected by Peach Leaf Curl (which is fairly common up here) – it sounds like there’s some fairly easy things we can do to help protect the tree.

The type of Nectarine Tree we got

Getting the tree into the car did pose a slight issue, though – as it was quite large but we managed to do it without any major incidents.

When we got home, I had to dig quite a large hole. It needed to be at least 2 feet in diameter and far enough down that the top of the root bulb would sit flush with the soil. Fortunately, I finally decided to order me a wheelbarrow type of thing and man did it help! Made it so we didn’t have this giant pile of dirt we had to pick up off the yard.

The pile of dirt + wheelbarrow + nectarine tree + Kels’ legs

After the hole was dug, we mixed some native soil with our good potting mix and some fertilizer and put that around the root bulb. We also added an inch or two of fertilizer on top of that and made sure it curved up around the edges to make a nice pit for some water

Aside from the nectarine tree, we also got an Azalea bush and planted it before realizing that they are toxic to dogs so we’re gonna have to move it to the front yard instead. Whoops ^^;;

The evil Azalea bush

While I’m posting, might as well give an update on the raised beds and other plants. Everything appears to be coming along well! Still need to clean up that lettuce <__<;;;

Strawberry bed with the pretty flowers blooming 😀
Shhhh just pretend you don’t see the lettuce
The lavender seems to be doing fine
One of the blueberry bushes – look how many of the flowers we’ve had to pluck off so far!

Anyway that it’s for the the week. Things are still going well here ^_^ – hope all of you had a great week and thanks for reading!