Hi Friends!
Welcome to our gardening blog! Part of the reason why we wanted to make a blog was just to keep track of things we learn, things we want to do in the future, and things we want to remember. So I want to do a series of notes that just consist of things that we need to remember or to think about doing. These are mostly just going to be notes for us, but if you have any tips or tricks, please let us know! ^^ We are definitely trying to do as much internet research (and talking to people at our local nursery) as possible, but there is much to learn along the way.
Things to Do
- We want to plant some flowers near the raised garden beds. Possibly lavender or marigolds. Someone at our local nursery mentioned that we could start planting marigolds in two weeks.
- We have a tiny amount of space left in the raised beds that we could use to plant a tomato plant or a pepper plant or two. It sounds like we need to wait until after Memorial Day to do that though.
- We could plant more lettuce or scallions in 3-4 weeks and then continue to stagger planting them like that, so we can have some producing all summer long.
- We need to plant the blueberry bushes still. We have to wait to do that until the utilities people come later this week.
Things to Remember
- We have ever-bearing/day-neutral strawberry plants, and the recommendation is to pluck the flowers until July once they start flowering.
- We need to make sure the beds stay watered, so they are moist down to about 3″. It sounds like we need to water more frequently during the first few weeks after planting, but then we could get a rain guage and only water if there is less than 1″ of rain that week. (In our area, it doesn’t rain much in the summer so it sounds like we will need to keep watering frequently in the summer.)
Miscellaneous Notes
Here’s what we planted in our first row of lettuce:
Second row of lettuce:
Here are some sunflower seeds that I planted next to our garden shed, pictures to come if they actually end up growing XD
And finally, some cute groundcover I planted next to our (unused) firepit in the shade. Also next to the garden shed, where it will probably die from too much sunlight. Whoops… ^^;;